
Meet Our Mentors

Rita Anson

Rita coordinates training programs for new angel investors in Norway and abroad to impart knowledge on startup investment strategies, startup evaluation, and local network creation. She also delivers entrepreneurship courses to equip individuals with the necessary insights to establish their own companies. Rita is the Secretary General at NorBAN and a co-founder of Women Investors Network (WIN) Norway and Nordic Ignite Angel Investment Fund.​

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Susana Meza

Susana holds an MSc in Innovation and Entrepreneurship from BI Norwegian Business School located in Oslo, Norway. Additionally, she has an International MBA and possess extensive experience in product management, finance, and commercial operations. As a project manager, Susana leads multifunctional Scrum teams that apply Agile Methodology. Susana has spent 14 years working in the banking and insurance sectors, where she primarily focused on developing new business and strategic partnerships. Susana also provides social entrepreneurship education and is currently CEO of Charge Incubator.​

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Sanaa Talha

Sanaa is an entrepreneurship educator who has been part of the entrepreneurship training program at Charge Incubator, for several years. In addition to her active involvement, she is also writing a doctoral thesis on the topic of “Immigrant Women Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Identity Development.”

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Niina Halvorsen

Niina is a Learning and Development Specialist and certified solution-focused coach specialising in professional and personal growth. With her expertise in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT), Niina collaborates with individuals and teams to unleash their full potential. Solution-Focused approach is centered around helping clients identify their strengths and resources, enabling them to set achievable goals and cultivate motivation and a growth mindset. The methods support in eliminating limiting beliefs and establishing effective coping mechanisms to tackle triggers, overcome obstacles and enhance collaboration and performance.

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Mohammad Golestan

Mohammad Hossein Golestan is a dynamic professional currently employed at SLB, where he channels his passion for innovation and entrepreneurship. With a background in software development, he brings a wealth of expertise to his role, constantly seeking opportunities to learn and grow. Beyond his work at SLB, Mohammad Hossein Golestan is deeply committed to mentorship and guiding aspiring professionals on their career paths. Eager to explore new horizons, he has joined entrepreneurship courses to expand his knowledge and skills further. Driven by a desire to make a difference, Mohammad Hossein Golestan continuously strives to push boundaries and inspire positive change in both his professional and personal accomplishments.

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Mai Phan

Mai is the founder of PropL, an early-stage B2B HR tech start-up based in Oslo, Norway. Originally from Vietnam, she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in the U.S and Master’s degree in Finance in the UK. Mai has been living and working in Norway for the past 12 years, where she gained diverse experience in research and analysis in the power and gas sector, teaching dance and fitness to young children and adults, and entrepreneurship, technology and innovation. Mai is deeply passionate about social impact and sustainability. Her start-up, PropL, aims to reduce unemployment in Norway and combat biases and discrimination in the recruitment process by building job simulations to help job seekers find careers and jobs that match their skills and interests. PropL has received grants from Innovation Norway and Oslo Municipality and recently launched their Beta.

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Anna Garanskaya

Anna is a learning designer and Neurointegration Trainer. She has certification and experience in a neuroscience-based framework that combines the best practices of coaching and cognitive behavioral therapy with an agile approach to personal growth. This framework was created by the Neurointegration Institute in California, USA and has helped over 27,000 people in more than 40 countries to balance their mental state, overcome self-sabotage, and unlock their innate potential. The program aims to help regulate mental state, shift thinking patterns, increase focus, and enhance motivation, ultimately leading to overall performance improvement.

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Rebecca Sandbacka

Rebecka Sandbacka is a highly skilled and accomplished professional with a strong passion for social media marketing and photography. Rebecka holds a master’s degree in media and communication, specialising in the intricate workings of Instagram and its algorithms. In addition to her academic achievements, Rebecka has also demonstrated exceptional entrepreneurship abilities by successfully managing a cafe for three years. As a professional mentor, Rebecka is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and empowering others to achieve their goals. Her guidance, coupled with her practical experience, offers a valuable and comprehensive learning experience for individuals seeking to excel in these fields.

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Tamás Pocze

Throughout his mentoring career, Tamás has successfully collaborated with hundreds of clients to help them achieve their goals. 87% of Tamás’ past and current clients reported achieving goals such as building high-performance teams, innovating in their industries, conducting confident and effortless workplace conversations, and managing time more effectively thanks to his mentoring. Tamás’ authentic mentoring style is based on his own leadership experience in the international business world, as well as his deep understanding of human behaviour and mentoring expertise. Clients find that they receive a reliable and knowledgeable confidential partner who helps them unfold their own strengths and abilities, and assists them in creating and implementing their own leadership development plans. He has mentored over 200 leaders, from Fortune 500 company executives to local entrepreneurs. He has participated as a mentor in the launch of over 50 start-ups. With over 20 years of experience in the financial sector, business management, and leading his own ventures, Tamás is a mentor who knows what it takes to excel in today’s environment. In addition to a bachelor’s degree in economics specialising in finance, Tamás also holds an Executive MBA from Corvinus University, focusing on leadership development. He based his thesis on analysing the challenges experienced by today’s leaders in international and multicultural environments.

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Anna Kurus

Anna is a technical business analyst in Arendal, Norway. Originally from Ukrain, Anna studied Litherature and Linguistics, and has her MSc in German language studies. Anna has been teaching English and is a continuous learner herselh. Anna is a volunteer mentor and guides her mentees in job market integration and transition to Norway. She has done the journey herself and shares her passion and learnings with her mentees. Professionally Anna is well-connected in Arendal region.

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. 2022-1-NO02-KA220-YOU-000088071

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